Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Lights!

There is a really neat light display at a college where we live. I wanted to crawl right up and touch them!

And here is me enjoying having a tree in MY HOUSE! It is the neatest thing ever, and it has these pretty balls all over it! And I've been told there is some big guy who will be bringing presents, but whenever I look out the window, I don't see him...

Here comes Santa!

No, I didn't wanna wear it...

Sunday, November 19, 2006


This week I would hardly let Mom take a picture... I was intrigued by her camera. Then I realized there was this camera thing on my crib that Mom watches me on, and I have a fun time now wiggling it all around before I go to sleep. And then I discovered the toilet paper roll! I love paper and tissues, and I never knew there was so much in one place! I don't think Mom thought it was too funny, but she had to get the camera before she took my play-pretty away and made me mad.

Monday, October 30, 2006


Here I am!
Snow Leopard Jay!


Mom and I went to Cleveland to help celebrate Marie's 90th birthday!
Here I am discussing life with her...

Then we visited Mammaw and Pappaw and I had a grand time!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Latest

Here's me playing with Daddy, taking pictures with Miss Mitzi and Abbie, reading the mail for Mom, and generally being the cutest boy ever.
This week at the doctor I weighed 20 lbs, and am 28" tall. Right on target for normal.
New foods in the last couple of weeks: kiwi, blueberries, avocado, and Cheerios! I love my Cheerios because they are easiest to pick up! Three of my top middle teeth have broken through, too.
I am pulling up on everything, terrorizing poor Reeny (I just wanna be her friend), and anything I find goes in my mouth (if I am lucky I can chew once or twice before Mommy gets it out).

Monday, October 09, 2006

More Fun!

This weekend I met Mom's aunts, my Great Ruthie and Great Judy! We had loads of fun. Then, Mommy and Daddy took me to the park and I got to ride on the swing for the first time.

I am already pulling myself up on things and people, so I may only be crawling for another week or two, then it is OFF TO THE RACES!!!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

It's been a while!

Whew, Mommy has been so busy she hasn't gotten the camera out in a while!
I gave her a scare last week when I ran a fever. It wasn't too bad at first, but then it got higher and she took me to the doctor. They thought it might be Strep but I was lucky and it must have just been a virus. No more fever and I feel great!
After I got better I was able to go visiting, and these pictures are from seeing Memere and Pepere. I spent a couple of days with Grammy, too.

Still only 2 teeth. New foods are pumpkin and mashed potatoes (not together...hmmm...)

I am crawling well, too! Mom was in the kitchen and looked down the hall to keep an eye on me and all she saw was a diapered bottom disappearing into the bathroom.
Look out world!

Friday, September 08, 2006


Mom was playing dress up with me... I haven't worn shoes before since I'm not walking, but these soft shoes make me look dressed up like a big boy!

I got my first tooth last weekend, then another one broke through on Wednesday, so now my two bottom front teeth are raking across whatever I can find. I'm not too grouchy or anything, except late at night.

I had zucchini for the first time last week, and I am still enjoying the fresh peaches and plums (especially the plums - they get all the "ookees" out!).

The other morning (reallllllyyyyy early) when I hollered for Mom to bring me my bottle, she came in to my room and found me sitting up all by myself. I can sit ok, but that's the first time I pulled myself into a sitting position. She made a big deal about it, and I guess now she has to make my crib lower because I'll be pulling myself up to stand in no time!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Newest Pictures!

In my Bouncer having fun...

excited about my toy ...

and playing on my xylophone (I'm a born musician, you know!).

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Latest

Sorry We haven't posted in a little while... Mommy can't find her computer plug for the camera!
I'm getting bigger and having more fun every day.
New foods are peaches and plums. The plums are a little tart and I sqwunch my face up unless Mommy puts a little cereal on the spoon.

I am making all kinds of sounds, and if you listen close you can kinda hear words!
My allergies are yucky and I am sneezy and snotty, but it doesn't bother me - I'm still happy every day.
Pictures will be coming soon!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Ah, the life of a Rockstar...
Gotta pose for the photographers...
Wave to the fans...
And they just won't stop - I may have to go Sean Penn on them!

Went back to the doctor today - he gave us an A+ and I got my shots. 18 1/2 lbs today! Love them peaches :)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

6 Months Old today

  • Today I went to the doctor. I now weigh 17 lbs, 4 oz, and am over 26" long. As Mom says, "I'm Huuugggge!"
I did not get my shots today because the doctor heard wheezing in my chest. I've always kinda had allergies, like Mom and Dad, and Dad had asthma as a kid. So, looks like I'll be following in his footsteps. Nothing major, I just have to take some medicine and breathe in this funny machine for about a week.

  • I can almost always keep sitting up by myself, and before you know it I'll be crawling everywhere.
  • I had peas this week for the first time; pretty good stuff! But, today is my birthday - where's the cake? Aw, come on, Mom!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Happy Baby

Just a smiley kinda guy!


I am doing my best to try to start crawling. Any day I know someone will look up and "Woosh!": I'll be gone! Here I am hanging out with Roufus, and he's such a 'cool cat' he doesn't care if I rub my feet all over him!
I am starting to really get my knees up, but my arms don't quite know what to do yet, so I am in this position a lot.

Foodwise, I liked the squash and sweet potatoes, but the green beans and the apples I think I'll wait until later to develop a taste for them.

Monday, June 26, 2006


So, I had been eating cereal for a little over a week and then Mom decided to introduce me to vegetables. My first one is squash, and I love it! I eat up every little bite. And today I was enjoying it so much that I decided to grab onto the bowl so I could feed myself!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Father's Day

On Father's Day, Daddy and I had a heart to heart in the park.

Last week I started eating cereal for the first time. I guess I like it okay, I'm just still trying to get the whole "swallowing what's in my mouth" thing.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


On Saturday I laughed for the first time. Not a little squeal or squeak or single "Ha" that I have been doing, but a full on extended giggle. Mommy found a good tickle spot and she kept tickling me because it was making her laugh, too!
I am looking forward to a whole lot more laughter every single day.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

On Sunday I went to my first family reunion. I guess for me it was just a "union" (hahaha). There were lots of people there who wanted to meet me for the first time. We spent the night Saturday with Mammaw and Pappaw, since I knew at the reunion I'd get passed around from cousin to aunt to uncle and back ;)

Mom and Dad picked out my stylish outfit for the day, with my new cool hat. I look like such a big boy!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

At the Doctor

I went to the pediatrician on Thursday for my 4-month checkup. I am now a whopping 14 lbs 10 oz! The doc says I am growing right on track, and Mom says instead of my old chicken legs now I have pork chop legs.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Miss Mitzi, my babysitter, just got this cool new toy.

I got to be propped up in it to play!

There is a star thingy that you press and it plays me a song and little twinkle lights come on. It is very exciting to me and I wanna stare at it all day!!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I'm Growing!

I must be hitting a growth spurt this week.... I just can't seem to eat enough! Instead of eating more at one time, I like to just eat a lot more often. I know Mommy is hoping I'll start sleeping more than 5 or 6 hours at night, but I will be doing things on my own schedule!

Daddy's birthday was Tuesday and we got to spend the whole day together. I am "talking" and communicating a lot these days, and love as much one-on-one time as I can get from anyone.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Something new...

Trying out something new for sharing photos, notes, stories about Jay!
A friend sent a link to her new daughter's blog page, and since I can't seem to figure out how to publish a web page from my computer, we'll try this for now...

Doodlebug is getting big! His allergies cause him a little distress, but not much seems to phase him (except for the stray gas bubble). He started rolling over this weekend. Of course, has has no idea why he wants to roll over, only that he MUST ROLL OVER NOW... usually when his diaper is being changed!

These were taken 5/10

What a Cutie!

A great little smirk...

Contemplatative, introspective, reflective.