Thursday, May 25, 2006

At the Doctor

I went to the pediatrician on Thursday for my 4-month checkup. I am now a whopping 14 lbs 10 oz! The doc says I am growing right on track, and Mom says instead of my old chicken legs now I have pork chop legs.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Miss Mitzi, my babysitter, just got this cool new toy.

I got to be propped up in it to play!

There is a star thingy that you press and it plays me a song and little twinkle lights come on. It is very exciting to me and I wanna stare at it all day!!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I'm Growing!

I must be hitting a growth spurt this week.... I just can't seem to eat enough! Instead of eating more at one time, I like to just eat a lot more often. I know Mommy is hoping I'll start sleeping more than 5 or 6 hours at night, but I will be doing things on my own schedule!

Daddy's birthday was Tuesday and we got to spend the whole day together. I am "talking" and communicating a lot these days, and love as much one-on-one time as I can get from anyone.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Something new...

Trying out something new for sharing photos, notes, stories about Jay!
A friend sent a link to her new daughter's blog page, and since I can't seem to figure out how to publish a web page from my computer, we'll try this for now...

Doodlebug is getting big! His allergies cause him a little distress, but not much seems to phase him (except for the stray gas bubble). He started rolling over this weekend. Of course, has has no idea why he wants to roll over, only that he MUST ROLL OVER NOW... usually when his diaper is being changed!

These were taken 5/10

What a Cutie!

A great little smirk...

Contemplatative, introspective, reflective.

My Favorite

These are my favorite photos so far. Jay was sitting on his Pappaw's belly and my dad was getting him to smile, which he had just really started doing in this 10th week.