Tuesday, July 25, 2006

6 Months Old today

  • Today I went to the doctor. I now weigh 17 lbs, 4 oz, and am over 26" long. As Mom says, "I'm Huuugggge!"
I did not get my shots today because the doctor heard wheezing in my chest. I've always kinda had allergies, like Mom and Dad, and Dad had asthma as a kid. So, looks like I'll be following in his footsteps. Nothing major, I just have to take some medicine and breathe in this funny machine for about a week.

  • I can almost always keep sitting up by myself, and before you know it I'll be crawling everywhere.
  • I had peas this week for the first time; pretty good stuff! But, today is my birthday - where's the cake? Aw, come on, Mom!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Happy Baby

Just a smiley kinda guy!


I am doing my best to try to start crawling. Any day I know someone will look up and "Woosh!": I'll be gone! Here I am hanging out with Roufus, and he's such a 'cool cat' he doesn't care if I rub my feet all over him!
I am starting to really get my knees up, but my arms don't quite know what to do yet, so I am in this position a lot.

Foodwise, I liked the squash and sweet potatoes, but the green beans and the apples I think I'll wait until later to develop a taste for them.