Thursday, August 24, 2006

Newest Pictures!

In my Bouncer having fun...

excited about my toy ...

and playing on my xylophone (I'm a born musician, you know!).

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Latest

Sorry We haven't posted in a little while... Mommy can't find her computer plug for the camera!
I'm getting bigger and having more fun every day.
New foods are peaches and plums. The plums are a little tart and I sqwunch my face up unless Mommy puts a little cereal on the spoon.

I am making all kinds of sounds, and if you listen close you can kinda hear words!
My allergies are yucky and I am sneezy and snotty, but it doesn't bother me - I'm still happy every day.
Pictures will be coming soon!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Ah, the life of a Rockstar...
Gotta pose for the photographers...
Wave to the fans...
And they just won't stop - I may have to go Sean Penn on them!

Went back to the doctor today - he gave us an A+ and I got my shots. 18 1/2 lbs today! Love them peaches :)