Friday, September 08, 2006


Mom was playing dress up with me... I haven't worn shoes before since I'm not walking, but these soft shoes make me look dressed up like a big boy!

I got my first tooth last weekend, then another one broke through on Wednesday, so now my two bottom front teeth are raking across whatever I can find. I'm not too grouchy or anything, except late at night.

I had zucchini for the first time last week, and I am still enjoying the fresh peaches and plums (especially the plums - they get all the "ookees" out!).

The other morning (reallllllyyyyy early) when I hollered for Mom to bring me my bottle, she came in to my room and found me sitting up all by myself. I can sit ok, but that's the first time I pulled myself into a sitting position. She made a big deal about it, and I guess now she has to make my crib lower because I'll be pulling myself up to stand in no time!!