Monday, October 30, 2006


Here I am!
Snow Leopard Jay!


Mom and I went to Cleveland to help celebrate Marie's 90th birthday!
Here I am discussing life with her...

Then we visited Mammaw and Pappaw and I had a grand time!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Latest

Here's me playing with Daddy, taking pictures with Miss Mitzi and Abbie, reading the mail for Mom, and generally being the cutest boy ever.
This week at the doctor I weighed 20 lbs, and am 28" tall. Right on target for normal.
New foods in the last couple of weeks: kiwi, blueberries, avocado, and Cheerios! I love my Cheerios because they are easiest to pick up! Three of my top middle teeth have broken through, too.
I am pulling up on everything, terrorizing poor Reeny (I just wanna be her friend), and anything I find goes in my mouth (if I am lucky I can chew once or twice before Mommy gets it out).

Monday, October 09, 2006

More Fun!

This weekend I met Mom's aunts, my Great Ruthie and Great Judy! We had loads of fun. Then, Mommy and Daddy took me to the park and I got to ride on the swing for the first time.

I am already pulling myself up on things and people, so I may only be crawling for another week or two, then it is OFF TO THE RACES!!!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

It's been a while!

Whew, Mommy has been so busy she hasn't gotten the camera out in a while!
I gave her a scare last week when I ran a fever. It wasn't too bad at first, but then it got higher and she took me to the doctor. They thought it might be Strep but I was lucky and it must have just been a virus. No more fever and I feel great!
After I got better I was able to go visiting, and these pictures are from seeing Memere and Pepere. I spent a couple of days with Grammy, too.

Still only 2 teeth. New foods are pumpkin and mashed potatoes (not together...hmmm...)

I am crawling well, too! Mom was in the kitchen and looked down the hall to keep an eye on me and all she saw was a diapered bottom disappearing into the bathroom.
Look out world!