Tuesday, January 30, 2007


So, this proves I am really 1! Mom made a birthday cake and I got to eat it all myself (well, I had Some help). I was afraid to put my hands on it because I wasn't sure what it was, but once I had a little taste, I grabbed all I could!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Favorite Things

Yep, Bath Time and looking at my books are two of my favorite things!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The After

Christmas was lots of fun! I got too many presents (at least that's what Mom says), but it was fun learning to open them.

In the last week I have also stood without holding on to anything, and I have started saying Bye-Bye, Hi, Kee-yat (Kitty Cat), Duh or Guh (Dog), and Baby. Pretty good for someone who isn't 1 yet!