Sunday, July 27, 2014

Orlando Day 4 - Sea World

My favorite thing allllll day - petting the cownose rays!

I did get to feed the dolphins.

Me in the Splash Zone getting wet!!


Orlando Day 3 - Out and About

Our hotel!

I like standing on the bus (and swinging and jumping).

My duck friends.  I named them all ;)

Uncle Chris was in town, too!  We got to hang out for supper.

Waiting for Cirque du Soleil doors to open.

Orlando Day 2 - The Magic Kingdom

Mickey left a cool gift - I get to make my own souvenir book of smashed pennies!

The parade came through and I saw a lot of cool characters!


My buddy Pluto.


I got to skipper the boat through the Jungle Cruise.

The shirt and hat I made look AWESOME!

It's a small world after all!